unofficial blog for course ART090

Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015


Voyiazis – Civil Rights

I believe this photo is dynamic because of its organization, scale, and perspective. Martin Luther King Jr., one of the most influential African Americans and the pioneer for civil rights, is depicted as a high ranking official in government, as he well deserved to be for his contributions to the African American community and society as a whole. In this vertically oriented photo, he takes up about 75% of the entire frame, relating to his grandeur as an activist while also relating to how he was one figure of the 1960s that got the most attention. In this photo, he is standing in front of the Alabama state capitol building with all of its architectural grandeur in the background. Governmental architecture is a symbol of strength, elegance, and power and the combination of MLK Jr. and the building in the background gives the whole photo a feeling of seriousness, righteousness, and overcoming all at once.

Moore, Charles. “Martin Luther King Jr. at a rally on the steps of the Alabama state capitol, in Montgomery.” NPR. Accessed 25 October 2020

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