Hue saturation Split tone Duo tone
This project was centered around the focus of water as a main subject. In all of these images, the motion of water is what makes them so unique. Although it was difficult to find different sources of water to use for this project, I was able to capture some unique images. For all of my images, I chose to include a very high contrast of lights to darks. The is because water often gives of a mixture of very white light as well as some grey tones. I wanted the water to stand out as the main subject so I chose to make certain components darker around the water in order to accentuate it.
Eva, I really like how you explored all different subjects when shooting these motion of water photos. My favorite of the 3 images is the photograph of the cup. I think that this approach was very unique and it is very interesting how there is not only movement through the water entering the cup, but within the cup itself. I also like how you chose to make all of your photos black and white. It Brought out contrast and eliminated any distraction of color from the movement. Nice Work!
Your use of black and white goes so well with these set of photos. The water being poured into a cup is a very interesting one due to how you can see the movement of the content within the cup.