unofficial blog for course ART090

Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015


Mary Ellen Mark

Ward 81, Oregon State Hospital,
Salem, Oregon, 1976,,

This photo really stuck out to me because Mary Ellen Mark’s entire exhibit was done in the maximum security (ward 81) section of the Oregon State Hospital. Many of the photos were very dark and exhibited the evils of mental illness and how people with mental illness are treated. This photo however, depicts a women who seems to be in some sort of game room. Her hands are raised and her legs spread as if she is in some sort of jumping position. The woman has her eyes closed and mouth open in a sort of joyous shout. I particularly liked this image because it seems to counter all the stigmas of mental illness. Many people with mental illnesses struggle to find happiness and true joy, but this doesn’t mean they matter less or any less human than anyone else. This moment of happiness shows an amazing amount of courage and success in times of darkness.

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