unofficial blog for course ART090

Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015


October 14

Each of these artists creates a set and photographs miniatures using the principles of tabletop photography. Choose an example from one of the artists and describe/analyze the qualities that make the work strong. Post the example to your blog with a full citation.

When going through all of the posted examples of tabletop photography, this image caught my eye right away. To start, I like how they used food and turned it into a whole new object in the image. I also like the action which is taking place in the photo, with the miniatures working around the apple. As for the composition, I think that the use of focus developed this image and make it as strong as it is. The foreground is blurred, while the mid ground is in focus, then goes back out of focus into the background. Finally, I like how the color of the apple matches the red in grass on the ground.

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