unofficial blog for course ART090

Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015


Street Photography

Hollywood and Vine, Gary Winogrand, Los Angeles,CA , 1969,

I was immediately drawn to this image because of the use of natural lighting and exposure. The shadows created by the natural light add such an interesting aspect to this piece. The shadows cross each other, coming from multiple angles and although many of them are the shadows of woman’s legs the stretched illusion adds to the photograph. I like when there is a lot to look at in a photograph as well and Winogrand does this very well. From left to right we see a man in a wheelchair, slumped over looking towards the ground. Then the group of women all in dresses that resemble the fashion of the time (1969) with purses on their arms. And finally, to the right sits a group of people on a bench at what looks to be a bus stop.

The different angles created by the figures, buildings and street objects create a very appealing photograph. The way the light illuminates the entire photograph ties together all the pieces, as if to spotlight all the aspects Winogrand tried to capture in this image.

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